Tell us more about yourself

My name is Adriënne, I am 36 years old and live in Nijmegen. Yet I also have a heart in Arnhem: after all, I was born and raised there. I studied sports, health and management. After that I worked for several companies, including five years at Menzis. There I was involved in relationship management, external communication and large quotation processes. The last five years I worked in the travel industry, where marketing was part of my responsibilities. This is where I discovered my interest in content creation, copywriting and other marketing-related activities. I only noticed that I was looking for more depth in the field. This is how I ended up at Orange Juice.

In my spare time I like to be active. I run in the woods and like to walk along the Spiegelwaal. In addition, I can often be found on the terrace, where the snack plates are my favorite. As a music lover I also enjoy going to music festivals.


Why Orange Juice?

Through LinkedIn, I came across the job posting for content marketer. The writing style immediately really appealed to me. I was invited to apply in a different way than the usual application letter. That triggered me and gave me the feeling that Orange Juice is really looking for a personal match. A feeling that was confirmed during my job interview, it immediately felt like a nice and warm environment. In addition, the energy  really appealed to me; I enjoy working together to achieve great results while at the same time ensuring that everyone feels good about themselves and is in their strengths.

What exactly will you be doing at Orange Juice?

I am the new content marketer, I will be working on storytelling and enthusing and inspiring target audiences. Together with my colleagues from online marketing, we will ensure more conversions and visitors on our clients' and Orange Juice's websites.

What are you extremely good at?

I am a real connector, a people person. Both internally and externally I want to create connections to achieve good collaborations. I also like to bring good energy into the team and achieve good results together. As a team player, I like to be in the center of the organization and enjoy working with colleagues and, of course, our clients. A fluent writing style may also be part of my talents.

What makes you happy?

I get happy when we manage to achieve great results as a team with enthusiasm and mutual helpfulness. That together you set the dot on the horizon and have the freedom to fill in the path to that dot. There is no other way in my job, but another great source of energy is creating: making something out of nothing.

On a personal level, I try to get as much out of life as possible. To enjoy the days by experiencing beautiful adventures in the biggest and smallest sense of the word.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

I find that a tough question. In five years I hope to be in a place where I can create beautiful things (read: Orange Juice) with great colleagues. Privately, I hope to still be experiencing many beautiful and new things by then: from traveling and fun trips to dancing at music festivals and the little moments of enjoyment with family and friends.

Are you looking for a new challenge and want to join our team like Adriënne? Check out our current job openings, and who knows, we might soon welcome you to our team.