Tell us more about yourself

My name is Guido, I am 26 years old, and I was born in Vorden, a small village in the Achterhoek, where I still live. I completed my pre-vocational secondary education (vmbo-t) and then started at the Graafschap College. They told me that if I achieved mbo level 3 or 4, that would already be quite an accomplishment. My education was in the direction of sports and exercise, because I always enjoyed sports. I quickly realized that I wanted more of a challenge and wanted to continue my studies.

Due to multiple injuries, I could spend less time on football, so my focus was mainly on school. That worked out well, as I needed that focus in higher education (HBO). After completing my mbo level 4 education, I pursued a degree in sports marketing. This is essentially commercial economics, but the cases and projects are more focused on sports. It prepares you to work in the sports world, which often involves non-profit organizations. For me, sales is really enjoyable in a commercial environment, so I eventually took a different path.

Guido Beerning

Why Orange Juice?

After graduating, I started at a sales company in employment mediation. After a while, it didn't suit me well, and I was looking for more challenges in my work. I soon found my way to Orange Juice. The freedom and growth opportunities within the company made it the perfect next step.

It's not just about the freedom in tasks but also being able to go home earlier to work from there and, for example, grabbing a can of cola from the fridge. What's great is that, under supervision and together with Remco and Dion, I get to draw up a plan, where I also get to lead presentations. The variety of tasks within this role really appealed to me. The opportunities and freedom felt great, making the choice for Orange Juice more than worth it.

What exactly will you be doing at Orange Juice?

It's hard to say exactly what I'll be doing since it's a completely new role within the company. I will be taking on account management, managing existing clients, and guiding new business together with Remco. I will be involved from the moment a lead comes in until the work session. Regularly calling clients or visiting businesses to assess what is going well or what can be improved is also part of my role. Additionally, I will be taking on other related sales projects. For example, I will be developing an account management plan for Orange Juice, in collaboration with Remco and Dion.

What are you extremely good at?

I always find it difficult to say about myself. I am good at teamwork and have strong communication skills. Working towards a goal with colleagues or the client is something I always do well, and I can conduct conversations effectively while considering finding a solution.

What makes you happy?

I am very sporty, so working out makes me really happy. I also enjoy having a beer with friends, going to a festival, or sitting on a terrace. Playing and watching football with friends and family is something I love to do.

Work-wise, I get happy from securing an important client, but also from keeping existing clients satisfied. When you notice that you go the extra mile for a client and get something in return for it. Achieving good results and working towards something together gives me a lot of energy.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

It's very difficult to say because you never know how things will turn out. However, I think I will still be working at Orange Juice. There are many opportunities within the company, and we are actively taking steps to generate leads. This allows us to grow even more, giving me many possibilities in the future. I currently live in Vorden with my parents, but I hope to have my own house in the city by then.

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