An API integration is essentially the communication link between two systems. At first glance, it may seem simple, but the precise alignment required in creating such a connection plays a crucial role. We almost always work with clients' external systems, which can vary in type. T There are different kinds of APIs; some retrieve data while others send data. Curious about how we go about creating an API integration within projects?

Api Koppeling Maken

Creating an API integration at Orange Juice

API integrations can be established in various ways. In most cases, we collaborate with our clients' external systems. Essentially, the goal is to facilitate communication between different systems through the creation of API integrations. For instance, we might implement APIs for email systems like Copernica, which are utilized by our clients. We ensure the correct implementation of the relevant API. 
We frequently encounter APIs during the development of configurators, especially when we haven't developed the webshop itself. The configurator should allow users to add the configured product directly to the shopping cart. We typically retrieve data through API calls to display in the configurator, and often, an API is necessary to add the configured product to the webshop's cart. This process requires close coordination with the web developer to align and test the entire structure carefully. Additionally, it should be possible to return from the shopping cart to the configurator to make any necessary adjustments to the product. This necessitates extensive communication, both with stakeholders and at the technical level, to ensure smooth integration and functionality. 

Retrieve and send data

Within Orange Juice, we utilize two types of APIs. Firstly, we use APIs in our projects to retrieve data from other systems. This includes fetching product details from a client's system, allowing us to display them in the configurator we develop. Secondly, we also heavily rely on APIs that send data. For instance, when a configuration is made in a configurator, these data need to be transmitted via an API to our client's system. This way, they are informed of a placed order and can process the order accordingly.

Api Koppeling 2

Example of a showcase

The project we had the opportunity to do for Holmatro is the development of a configurator. Initially, we retrieve a lot of data to then load everything into the configurator. At the end of the whole process, we need to deliver the assembled configuration back to them. So, we use an API to send the created configuration to Holmatro. Within this project, we use both for sending and for retrieving data. 

You can find more information about the Holmatro case on our case page. 

We are happy to help you achieve digital success

We would love to tell you more about our solutions. You can reach us by phone or email.
Remco Van Nieuwenhoven (1)
Remco van Nieuwenhoven Founder & strategist
ContactEmployee Remco van Nieuwenhoven +31 (0)26 327 40 45
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  • Zen
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  • Handicap 17
Dion Van Nieuwenhoven
Dion van Nieuwenhoven Technical director
ContactEmployee Dion van Nieuwenhoven +31 (0)26 327 40 45
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  • Reads everything
  • Hobby gardener
  • Plays (a little) guitar and piano