Focused on growth

Trees for All protects existing forests and plants new trees, both in the Netherlands and abroad. A lot of trees! And that's for a good reason, as 10 billion trees disappear each year. While this might seem impossible to offset, it doesn't deter Trees for All. Every little bit helps, and as long as you focus on growth, you get closer to your goal. So far, 5 million trees and shrubs have been planted, 15 forests saved, and 280,000 tons of CO2 pollution compensated. An amazing result!

Orange Juice Waarom Wij Met Trees For All Samenwerken

Our contribution

An office full of screens and devices leaves quite a footprint. And that's not even considering the amount of energy needed for the internet, server parks, and all the other things our business depends on. We are very aware of this and find it important to offset our ecological footprint.

Why Trees for All? This organization focuses on growth, which perfectly aligns with our slogan 'focused on growth, driven by results.' In our eyes, growth is crucial in many ways and often essential to achieve desired results. This includes personal growth, project result growth, and also the growth of nature and trees. Therefore, we support Trees for All with an annual fixed donation. Additionally, for each completed project, we plant several extra trees, involving our clients in this process as well.

And since every little bit helps, we've planted some trees ourselves... Every employee in our office has their own fruit tree!