Introducing: Marius

Curious about our new colleague, Marius? To get acquainted, we asked him a few questions. Marius is not a completely new face for us; he successfully completed his graduation internship at Orange Juice earlier this year. We are happy that he remains a part of our team and are pleased to introduce him to you.

Onze Nieuwe Collega Marius

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I am Marius Linders, 23 years old, and I just graduated with a degree in Software Development from HAN University. I live with my wife in Arnhem, about a fifteen-minute bike ride from the Orange Juice office. As a child, I was almost always outside, looking for snakes and other reptiles. But after buying my first laptop, my interests shifted towards chemistry (laboratory techniques) and software development. I've since made a career out of the latter.

What did you want to be when you were younger?

When I was younger, I wanted to do something with nature. As I mentioned, I spent a lot of time outdoors and didn’t think much about work back then. Later, software development became my hobby, and I wanted to turn it into my profession. Being creative, solving problems, and seeing quick results are what I enjoy most, preferably with the most modern tools. My interest in nature and snake hunting from back then still lingers. I now have several pet snakes at home.

If you won a million dollars tomorrow, what would you do with it?

I would buy a bigger house and decorate it in a subtropical style with a waterfall, lots of plants, frogs, and birds. I would also share part of the money with friends and family who have low incomes. The rest I would invest.

What makes you happy?

A lot of things! A pleasant workday, relaxing with friends, going on an outing with my wife, or just doing something at home. I don't need much to be happy.

What are you (extremely) good at?

I don’t think I’m extremely good at any one thing, but I’m pretty good at several things. Whenever I want to start something new or hear about something interesting, I can’t help but dive deep into it. This has broadened my knowledge, leading to interesting combinations.