Physical store

When you go to a physical store, you've already made most of the purchase decision simply by taking the effort to go there, aside from impulse buys like items at the checkout. When you search online for a product, you immediately have the option to compare a whole list of webshops on that same digital shopping street, all within a few minutes. The choice in your town center will be somewhat limited. Depending on the type of product, there will be a few points of sale with a similar range, but comparing prices and services side by side is a reasonable challenge. Additionally, it's simply harder to walk out of a physical store empty-handed, while online you can close your browser tab with one click, without the chance of a salesperson starting to talk to you. 

De Kunst Van Conversie

Online checkout in real life

The following video has become a classic. It reenacts the online ordering process in the physical world. It makes you think about what we trouble our visitors with online and the barriers we create as a result. 

The solution to optimizing online conversion is to entice the visitor and make the ordering process as simple as possible. Eliminate as much choice stress as possible, provide suggestions where possible, and be clear about delivery times and online payments. Additionally, make optimal use of new possibilities. Think of a digital 'shopping assistant' that guides you through the ordering process and new ways to present products, such as videos and animations showcasing the functionality and quality of products. In the future, Virtual Reality will play a significant role in e-commerce. This is the next big step to convince potential buyers by letting them experience the product in a different way. Even if it's virtual, the better you can give the webshop visitor an idea and feeling of the product, the more likely they are to add it to their shopping cart! 

10 tips for optimizing conversion

  1. Start A-B testing to improve the ordering process

  2. Use clear call-to-action texts: add to cart, proceed to checkout, checkout now, etc.

  3. Ask customers for feedback and display it on the website

  4. Prominently show the advantages of your webshop

  5. Join quality marks to build extra trust

  6. Limit the amount of content to the essentials so visitors are not distracted

  7. Ensure sufficient contact options so visitors can ask their questions

  8. Be consistent in presenting products so visitors can quickly get used to the webshop

  9. Hide the main navigation during checkout to prevent visitors from leaving the process

  10. Continuously innovate and surprise your customers 

Want to optimize the conversion of your website?

Want to optimize the conversion of an existing webshop or create a completely new online store? Contact us.