Besides optimizing conversion for e-commerce projects, our online marketers use their skills and tools for lead generation. Unlike e-commerce, this does not involve an actual transaction with payment, but it does create a contact moment where a prospect expresses their interest online, for instance, to receive a quote or to arrange a meeting. 


Online leads

In most cases, customer data is also stored for follow-up at a later stage. These online-generated leads represent value for the company that will approach the prospects with a relevant offer. 

A great example of professional lead generation is the website of Rioolprobleem Kwijt, an online service for finding solutions to blocked drains or sewer problems. Homeowners and businesses with drainage or sewer issues often turn to Google as their first source of information and end up on this website. There is a nationwide network of specialized companies that can quickly and expertly solve these problems. Based on the location (postal code areas), the lead is linked to the affiliated company. It is a highly effective internet platform that acts like a modern Gouden Gids. The advantage for the affiliated professionals is that they can focus on providing their services while the online platform ensures visibility and findability. This results in a concrete outcome, namely a significant increase in the number of requests for the affiliated companies. 

The online marketers at Orange Juice help to further build the success of this online platform by expanding and optimizing AdWords campaigns, improving positions in Google (including link building), content marketing, and performing A/B tests. Additionally, we have added live chat to enhance interaction with the target audience. In the next phase, we will work on our own blog, customer reviews, social media, and affiliate marketing. 

At the same time, the ambitious entrepreneur behind this concept, Merijn Janssen, is already working on the international expansion of his concepts in Belgium and Germany. 

More information about online marketing and conversion optimization can be found at, where a whitepaper on conversion optimization has also been published.Â