The question of whether the Umbraco CMS is suitable for e-commerce can be answered immediately: yes, it definitely is! To explain exactly how this works and what is possible, we need a few more words. In this blog article, you'll find all the information you need. 

Umbraco Orange Juice

What is Umbraco?

For those who don't know what Umbraco is, let's briefly explain. Umbraco is a user-friendly content management system built on Microsoft's .NET framework. It is an all-round and scalable CMS, making it suitable for a wide range of websites. From a simple corporate website with a few pages to a multilingual webshop with an extensive catalog and everything in between.

Umbraco e-commerce

How does an Umbraco webshop actually work? As you may know, Umbraco does not have a standard shopping cart functionality. However, this does not make the CMS any less suitable for webshops, as it can be easily integrated with an e-commerce platform. The e-commerce environment is fully integrated into the Umbraco CMS, allowing you to manage the website's content and online catalog in one back office.

The benefits of an Umbraco e-commerce solution

There are several reasons to choose an Umbraco e-commerce solution. Let's list them for you:

  1. Web Technology: The CMS is built on Microsoft's .NET framework, known for its speed and high security. It is maintained by a large international company, unlike some other web technologies that depend entirely on a developer community.

  2. Choice of E-commerce Platform: You can choose which e-commerce platform to link to the CMS. You are not tied to a standard shopping environment and can choose a solution that fits your needs and ambitions.

  3. Scalability: The platform can grow with your online ambitions. In the back office, pages and products are displayed in a tree structure, allowing you to work efficiently and clearly even with larger websites. Additionally, multilingualism can be easily integrated. In short, an e-commerce solution based on Umbraco knows no bounds.

  4. System Integration: A website or webshop in Umbraco can be linked to your existing CRM and other systems. There are also many possibilities to automate (production) processes.

  5. Customization: Umbraco is suitable for customization. It is an open-source platform, which means we can add all desired functionalities and fully tailor the webshop. Additionally, all tools, applications, and configurators we develop can be seamlessly integrated. – Umbraco e-commerce project

An example of an Umbraco e-commerce project is, a webshop that delivers custom-made solid wood wall shelves with the finish of your choice. The number of online orders has increased significantly in recent years. To continue this online growth, a professional e-commerce solution has been realized. During the project's realization, we made extensive use of the aforementioned benefits. 

The result is a scalable e-commerce solution based on the Umbraco CMS and the Ucommerce platform. For customizing a wall shelf, we developed a user-friendly product configurator integrated into the webshop. Using an API, orders are directly loaded into the sawing machine, creating an automated link to production. 

Want to know more about this project? Check out our client case. 

Curious about the possibilities?

So far, a brief introduction to the possibilities for an e-commerce solution with Umbraco as the CMS. Want to know more about the possibilities, have an Umbraco website, and want to add a shopping cart, or can we help you in another way? Do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to think along with you!