With these tips, you'll write blogs that get read. Writing a blog is time-consuming, so it's a shame if your blogs end up being read little or not at all. We share a number of tips that will guarantee you write the best blogs. 

Tips Schrijven Blog

1. What is your goal? Determine a relevant topic for your blog!

When you start writing a blog, think beforehand about the goal of the blog. Do you want to inform the reader? Or do you want to attract visitors to your website? Who is your target audience, anyway? The approach of the blog has a big influence on the text. When writing an SEO blog, consider specific keywords that you incorporate into the text. Beforehand, do keyword research. 

For keyword research, you can use various free and paid tools. Consider, for example, Google Keyword Planner. This tool is mainly used for Google Ads but is also ideal for writing SEO texts. It provides insights into the relevance and popularity of keywords. By entering a specific search term or URL of a website, you find out how often certain terms are searched. Within the Keyword Planner, there's also an option to see predictions of search volume. Note that a free account is less precise than the paid version. 

Not sure what exactly to write your blog about? Then Google Trends is a tool that can help you. With Google Trends, you can track and analyze free Google searches. This way, you can determine the popularity of a search query and compare search queries based on location and time period. 

Finally, a relevant topic is an important factor in capturing the attention of your readers. Google Trends can help in choosing a topic that is relevant to you and also to the search engine. Another tool that may be important for writing a blog is Answer the Public (ATP). With this free tool, you can gain insight into what people are searching for on the internet and what questions they have about a specific topic. This way, you know exactly what people need, which you can use as input for your blog. 

2. Ensure a clear structure

Have you determined the goal? And chosen a relevant topic for your blog? Then it's wise to create a clear structure for your blog. Determine which topics within the main subject you want to address in the blog. By creating a clear structure, you keep an overview for yourself while writing and make it easier for the reader to understand the information. So it not only helps the reader to understand it better, but also makes the writing process easier. Also, use titles and headings to make it clearer. 

3. Tone of voice

Determine the tone of voice for the blog you are going to write. Are you writing formally or informally? This depends entirely on the target audience and what suits you and your business. After all, it must appeal to your target audience. If the text is too informal for your target audience, they are more likely to drop out sooner. You want to prevent this. Communicate clearly and use consistent language so that your message is well understood. 

4. Decide in advance what kind of blog you are going to write

The type of blog you are going to write depends on your goal. Are you going for a blog that requires less depth? Then a shorter blog is sufficient. Are you going to write your blog with the aim of being more findable in search engines? Then a blog of at least 1000 words is more relevant. This is also often an in-depth blog, which means you generate more involvement more quickly. However, keep in mind that people generally have a short attention span, so a long text can also cause the reader to drop out faster. A good structure, clear titles, and subheadings enhance the readability of the text. 

5. Use images, these are indispensable in your blog

Use images to support your blog. An image provides visual support to the story, making your blog more attractive and capturing the reader's attention. Choose a suitable image for the text, so you make the reader even more curious to read further. Have you chosen to write an SEO blog? Then using images can also contribute to improving SEO. You can add keywords and tags to the image, so you rank higher in search results and thus attract more website traffic. Always compress your images, as this has a major impact on loading speed and affects your ranking in the search engine. 

6. Encourage the reader to take action

Always add a call-to-action (CTA) at the end of your blog. This CTA can consist of a contact option or a link to another blog or web page. Moreover, it's an ideal moment to offer the opportunity to share your blog via other channels, such as social media. This contributes to the visibility of your company. It also helps stimulate conversions and increase engagement on your website. A CTA is therefore very important! 

7. Use available data

Your blog has been live for a while now! To find out what behavior is when people click on your blog, you can use Google Analytics. Here you can see if your blog was interesting enough for the reader and if they actually read everything. If the page is closed quickly, you know that your blog did not have the influence on the reader that you may have wanted or expected. You can analyze detailed data for each blog, allowing you to make adjustments after publishing your blog and ensure that people still read your blog.

No time to write an effective blog yourself? Then a digital agency like Orange Juice can help you with this. For our online marketers, it is essential to investigate per market and page where the interest lies. Choosing the right trends, developments, and keywords is an essential part of achieving more online successes! 

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