Tell us more about yourself

My name is Christiaan, I'm 23 years old, and I'm from Huissen. Last year, I obtained my HBO ICT diploma with a specialization in software development. At Orange Juice, I will be strengthening the development team. Both back-end and front-end development interest me greatly, which is why I prefer to work as a full-stack developer. Initially, I am starting as a back-end developer at Orange Juice. Previously, I worked at a company where I did more data-oriented work. I realized that it wasn't quite my thing. That's when I came across Orange Juice.

Christiaan Blog

Why Orange Juice?

I came across Orange Juice on LinkedIn. At that time, I was also looking for a new challenge. I checked out the website and social media channels, and it seemed like a great place to work. I saw many peers, it’s a smaller company, and it's located in Arnhem. That combination was exactly what I was looking for. I eventually checked out the job openings, applied, and was invited for an interview. Initially, I applied for the back-end developer position, but I immediately mentioned that I was also interested in front-end development.

What exactly will you be doing at Orange Juice?

At Orange Juice, I will be working on various software development projects. Currently, I am more focused on the server side, so as a back-end developer. I will be working a lot within Umbraco or on the server itself, such as with APIs. I will be involved with websites, webshops, and configurators. Gradually, I also want to take on more front-end tasks. My colleagues and I are already working on structuring my tasks this way. I try to step in wherever there is work, and from day one, you are involved in projects. It feels like you can contribute to everything right away, and I really appreciate that about Orange Juice. 

What are you extremely good at?

I am good at building digital solutions, although there is always room for improvement. I pick things up quickly and learn fast, which is useful in a company like Orange Juice, where projects don't always last long, and new clients come on board every year. You need to quickly understand the domain and know what to do to set up and execute a project well. Additionally, I am good at coming up with solutions for problems, which is also my role as a developer.

What makes you happy?

Food, haha, that makes me very happy. Not just eating, but also cooking. Especially with friends, I enjoy cooking together. That’s something I do a lot nowadays. Besides that, I like hanging out with friends, going to parties, or gaming in my free time. 

Where do you see yourself in five years?

I find it hard to say where I will be in a year, so I wouldn’t know exactly. I think I will still be working at Orange Juice, but that could change in five years. It would be great if I am. So far, I have found it to be a very nice place to work, so I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m still here. I do plan to keep moving forward and want to travel more as soon as I get the chance. I also sometimes think about pursuing a master’s degree, but I’m not sure yet. For now, things are fine as they are, and I see myself working at Orange Juice for the foreseeable future.

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