Shared revenu model
In addition to realizing and maintaining the four webshops, Orange Juice will take over the online marketing tasks from an external agency. Orange Juice will become responsible for SEO, SEA, social media, email marketing, data analysis, and conversion optimization. Orange Juice has great confidence in expanding the partnership and will also invest hours at its own risk. Based on a realistic multi-year budget, a partially variable fee is agreed upon, based on achievable results.
This shared revenue model is especially useful now: Euro Events needs to use fewer liquid assets in the short term. Orange Juice invests hours in this joint project in exchange for higher rewards in the future. A significant advantage of this model is that both parties view each other as true partners, with mutual trust and communication based on equality. This leads to a much more intensive collaboration than in a classic client-supplier relationship. And in challenging times, that can make all the difference.